Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Video on the Saline

Confluence Boneyard/Saline May 31st, 2011

May 30th, 2011
DR-100, out to dry
The morning began with anticipation of floating from the confluence of the Boneyard and Saline Creeks east 11 mi. to St.Joseph.  The purpose of the float was to capture on video the ways in which the Saline's environment is influenced and expresses itself.  In other words, a scan of the Saline's composition.  Almost immediately after putting-in, the Lincoln was capsized and punctured through the side while careening down the Saline; as of today he is sunk and wedged in a snag.  We will rescue and repair the Lincoln on Monday and hope that the Lonicera Macckii to which it is lashed holds until then.   The video and camera equipment escaped unharmed but the Tascam DR-100 audio recorder was completely water-logged, and is currently in pieces drying out; we hope that it was not damaged and returns to service recording the acoustic environment of the Saline.

Bryan scanning the banks of the Saline

The day was not totally lost as we made the trek back home and loaded the SCAN, our new barge/canoe, and were able to get back onto the Saline by noon.  We decided to play it safe and put-in at the bridge on High Cross Rd. well past the weir that flipped the Lincoln.  This decision gave us the opportunity to meet the people at Tiny-Greens who operate their farm nearby; they allowed us to park the truck in their lot and have also agreed to allow us to access the Saline from their property for future shopping cart removal.  In the end, we were able to get a solid hour of video footage over a distance of approximately 4.5 miles.  

Conditions: Fast moving turbid water, Sunny, Gusting winds, 90 degrees, Most shopping Carts completely submerged

Observed creatures: Owl, Heron, Soft-Shelled Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Painted turtle, Wood-Duck and ducklings, Kestrel, Ground-Hog, Deer